Distributed interpreter

revolutionizing uptime and scalability


Scalable and highly available are requirements that can make software solutions complex. It is often decided to postpone these requirements and address them later. In most cases, this results in a patchwork of solutions that are complex to manage and increase the sensitivity to errors.

But what if we start from a distributed interpreter that is scalable and highly available from its architecture? This was the challenge we set ourselves when developing ThingsDB.


ThingsDB is a powerful distributed interpreter that enables developers to build highly available and scalable software solutions, with a focus on the end result. The underlying ThingsDB implementation guarantees growth and availability.



ThingsDB is also an object-oriented database that allows developers to use data natively in code.

The database is part of the code that greatly simplifies the complexity. ThingsDB enables developers to perform processing directly. Because data is treated as if it were code, database migrations are a thing of the past. The data model actually grows along with the code.


  • Event driven, ThingsDB is completely event-driven. Microservices can join “rooms” and thus be immediately informed of events and act accordingly.
    ThingsDB is the single point of truth in a microservices architecture and clearly solves many of the challenges that a microservices architecture entails.

  • Reliable by design, Data is automatically stored on multiple nodes to ensure uptime. Each node is an exact duplicate of the other, ensuring consistency.

  • Cloud native, ThingsDB is built with cloud native principles and is ideally suited to be deployed in a Kubernetes cluster.

  • Modular, ThingsDB can be easily expanded through modules.

  • Open source, ThingsDB is 100% open source.

More information

  • Visit the ThingsDB website to gain even more insight

  • Read the documentation

  • Browse through the code base on GitHub

  • Read the ThingsDB book and learn why we created ThingsDB and how you could benefit from it’s creation. Contact us to receive a free copy!

Programming language

ThingsDB was made for developers. Saving data is as intuitive as possible. The ThingsDB syntax is similar to other well-known programming languages