Jaap Smit - A short introduction

Introducing our new intern in 5 questions

Who are you?

My name is Jaap Smit, I am 19 years old and I am doing an internship as a Software Engineer at Cesbit. At the moment I am studying HBO-ICT at the Fontys in Eindhoven. In this course I chose the side of Software with a Cybersecurity semester as a specialization. I am now in the fifth semester of this course.

Why did you choose Cesbit?

I came into contact with Cesbit through an acquaintance of mine. I was told that they were looking for Software Engineers and at that moment I was also looking for an internship. In a number of conversations we came to a project that fits my knowledge and that offers an addition to Cesbit’s monitoring platform Oversight.

During the project I am working on a solution for reading monitoring data from services that run in Microsoft Azure. This monitoring data must then be sent to the Oversight cloud.

What expertise do you bring with you?

I have already worked with the Azure portal a number of times during my previous semesters. So I already have knowledge in this, which will be useful during my internship assignment. I also have experience with the techniques ASP.Net (C#) and JavaScript. In addition, during my Cybersecurity specialization semester, I gained knowledge about security in software and setting up and securing ICT infrastructure.

What do you notice during your internship at Cesbit?

During my internship I noticed that Cesbit attaches great importance to quality and creativity. They therefore do not work with fixed deadlines to avoid time pressure and only release something when it is good. This is very different from my study, where I work in sprints and where there is often a lot of time pressure.

What is your ambition in the coming years?

My goal is to build up more knowledge in the direction of software development and ICT. In software development I am mainly interested in the back-end, because the technical part and logical thinking really appeals to me. I would like to learn more about this and improve myself in the coming years.

In addition, as part of the team, I learned a thing or two about ThingsDB and with my interest in backend development I will definitely continue to follow this project.


Introduction Daan


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