Forget about SQL

Or not… Relational databases can be a blessing and a curse.

Relational databases are the cornerstone of modern data management, providing a structured and organized approach to storing and retrieving information. They have revolutionized the way businesses operate, enabling efficient data analysis, decision-making, and customer relationship management. However, relational databases are not without their limitations, and their rigid structure can sometimes hinder flexibility and scalability. So we thought of a different approach: ThingsDB.

Blessings of Relational Databases

Relational databases offer a multitude of benefits that have made them indispensable tools for data management:

  • Data Integrity: Relational databases enforce data integrity through constraints and normalization, ensuring data consistency and accuracy.

  • Structured Data: Relational databases organize data into tables with well-defined relationships, making data easy to understand, manage, and query.

  • Transactional Support: Relational databases provide ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) guarantees, ensuring data integrity during transactions.

  • Standardized Language: Relational databases use Structured Query Language (SQL), a standardized language for querying and manipulating data.

  • Maturity and Reliability: Relational databases are mature and reliable technologies with a long history of successful implementation.

Curses of Relational Databases

Despite their numerous advantages, relational databases also present some challenges:

  • Rigidity: The rigid structure of relational databases can make it difficult to accommodate evolving data requirements or unstructured data types.

  • Scalability: Relational databases can become performance bottlenecks as data volumes grow, requiring horizontal scaling or sharding.

  • Complexity: Managing and optimizing relational databases can be complex, requiring expertise in database administration.

  • Data Silos: Relational databases can create data silos, making it challenging to integrate data from multiple sources.

  • Limited Flexibility: Relational databases may not be well-suited for applications that require high flexibility or dynamic data structures.

Meet ThingsDB

As any software development company we fought our battles with relational databases.

So we thought of a different approach. What if we could use a data management solution that would offer the flexibility of using code for data management but also offer a way of offloading data to relational databases or other solutions without too much hassle?

Meet ThingsDB, a complete solution developed by Cesbit with unique capabilities.

ThingsDB among other features has a unique approach to data management that improves on the benefits of relational databases such as structure using types and enums, instead of tables and removes the curses by offering flexibility, scalability, limit complexity and allow easy data offloading to data silo’s when needed.

ThingsDB is essentially a programming language with data management capabilities built into its core alongside an internal message broker. It is a highly available solution built from the ground up to create a unique developer experience.

Contact us to learn more about ThingsDB


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